From an Amish childhood to a life of her choosing, Saloma Miller Furlong has lived two lives in one. Now she writes about what she has learned along the way.

Welcome to the website and blog of author Saloma Miller Furlong!

Through the writing of her books and blog, Saloma offers a unique look inside an Amish community, while also telling a universal story of leaving home and overcoming adversity. To learn more, visit her blog, About Amish and Beyond, or purchase her books.

The home where Saloma grew up
The happiest day of Saloma's life

Saloma has written the story of her youth in three books:

Liberating Lomie: Memoir of an Amish Childhood

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Bonnet Strings: An Amish Woman’s Ties to Two Worlds


Why I Left the Amish: A Memoir


Latest Blog Posts from Saloma's Blog About Amish

American Experience featured Saloma’s story in two documentaries, “The Amish” and “The Amish: Shunned.”

Photo credits: Amish landscape by Bruce Stambaugh  portrait of child photo, Ohio School Pictures; portrait of adult photo, Kerstin Martin; photo of Saloma’s childhood home, David Furlong; photo of wedding, Maurice Salada.

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