The March Deal

As February draws to a close, I am looking out over our little town with the drips going past my window and the sun shining brightly. That means that the sun is melting the snow on the roof. In the meantime, there are great avalanches of snow that come off the roof with a loud rumble every few moments. We keep getting promises of spring, but then we get another blanket of snow (one again last night). At any rate, March is bound to bring at least the first hints of real spring. 

During the month of March, I will be offering a deal on copies of Why I Left the Amish. The cost of the books are $16.50, plus shipping for the first book. I am offering free shipping for any additional copies in a given order.

To access my order form, you can click on the icon of my book on the right-hand side of this blog, where you can print, fill out, and send in the form with your check for payment.

I appreciate when people pass on the word about my book by talking about the book to their friends and acquaintances, linking to my blog and website, or by writing a book review. For all those who have helped get the word out, I thank you wholeheartedly. The book is being well-received by many people from all walks of life, and by people of all ages. 

Much of my blog has been focusing on the launching of my book, but I am planning on returning now to the series I’ve already begun: “The Angels along My Way.”

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4 thoughts on “The March Deal”

  1. Hi, Saloma!

    It’s so good to see all those dates running down the righthand side of the blog. What fun you must be having.

    Hope all is well and things are hopping for you.

    Waving and smiling,


  2. I purchased your book from Amazon and received it last Friday. I finished it last night :) I live two hours the Shipshewana Amish and have a fairly good grasp on the Amish “ways”. What I appreciate most about your book is your thought process towards forgiveness. Forgiveness is a choice and is not dependant on the other person participating – a really hard concept – and you wrote beautifully about it. I assume there will be a sequel? Highest regards to you and your book :)

    God Bless
    Cindy Gangwer

  3. You have quite a schedule ahead of you. It has to be a very exciting time in your life. I know the book sales will go well – people will be drawn to your story and your beautiful smile on the cover.

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