To order the book, just click on the book icon on the right-hand side of this page, which will take you to my webpage with the order form. Please print, fill out, and send me the order form with your check for the appropriate amount. I will autograph each book, and I will send it out promptly (usually the next day), so you should get it within a week.
For reviews of the book, indicating how others have received my story, please see the list of links to articles, reviews, and an interview on the right side of this page.
I have been thinking about how many people have helped me along my life journey. I plan to start a new series for blog postings entitled “Angels along My Way.” I will begin that series tomorrow.
The February Deal

It is time to reveal the February deal. For the month of February, I am offering a free handcrafted, reusable eco-friendly fabric gift bag with the purchase of my book at the full price of $19.95 plus $2.05 for shipping for the first book. I am offering free shipping and a free gift bag for each additional copy. I hope to offer these gift bags along side my books soon. I plan to charge $5.00 each.
Photo of handcrafted eco-friendly fabric gift bags
Can’t wait! I was just browsing through The Mennobrarian’s blog and saw that she had compiled an Amish Reading List. I saw one that is about adoption and wanted to know, do the Amish adopt outside of the community? What are their views on adoption?
The bags are so pretty! What a great idea. Blessings to you, friend.
Have a good weekend,