Katie Troyer — Little Person with a Big Stature

Katie Troyer

Katie Troyer

Finally the day arrived that I have for so long wanted to happen… the day I would get to meet Katie Troyer in person. She is an icon here in Sarasota, Florida and writes the blog Pinecraft-Sarasota. She is one of the most down-to-earth, genuine, caring, wise, and truly kind persons I've ever met. I am so thrilled that I had the honor of meeting her. Not only did we start right in with heart-to-heart talks, but I also had the great pleasure of experiencing Katie's refreshing sense of humor.

Katie and Me 5

Katie and Me

David and I rented bikes and rode around Pinecraft with Katie on bikes today. I was planning on renting one of those cool-looking tricycles that the Amish ride around on.

Sarasota Bus Arrival2

Sarasota Tricycles

Alas, I found out those tricycles are a lot harder to ride than they look. I landed in someone's front yard. David asked, "What are you doing?" as he rode his like a pro. Long story short, he ended up renting a tricycle, while I rented a bike.

Katie goes to meet the buses coming in from other places. David and I joined her. Here she and David were watching from across the street.


We saw two buses pull in with more Amish people arriving, including some from my home community.

Sarasota Bus

Sarasota Bus Arrival

We had coffee and tea at Yoder's, and watched people playing shuffleboard. But mostly we sat at a picnic table at the park and talked. Katie is a wonderful storyteller, and she is also an engaged listener. We talked about the Pinecraft phenomenon. Katie says that in Pinecraft people leave one another be to work out any issues they have and become who they are. The Amish even take a break from the rules they abide by back home. An Amish bishop was once asked why Amish people do things here in Florida that they don't get to do at home. He replied that what they do in Florida stays in Florida.



Katie had plans for the evening, so we said good-bye to her at her little abode, knowing we'd see her again today.

Later in the evening, David and I drove to Siesta Beach to watch the sunset. It was a beautiful way to end a wonderful day… the day I met Katie Troyer.

Sarasota Sunset

Today we had lunch with Katie, and said good-bye before David and I headed north for the first leg of our trip home. Katie's parting words were, "Now, this is just the beginning. We'll meet again, many times." 

I certainly hope so. Katie is a kindred spirit, just as I thought she would be. I cannot wait for the next time when our paths will cross again.

For more about Katie, you can watch the profile videos of her that were made with the PBS documentary "The Amish: Shunned" that aired on American Experience in February. 

I Had to Give up Absolutely Everything

Finding Home

Sharing is caring

12 thoughts on “Katie Troyer — Little Person with a Big Stature”

  1. Last week I watched Shunned, and afterwards went scouting online for information that would lead to a deeper understanding. The PBS website introduced me to Katie. She struck me much like you had — warm, deep, level-headed, and honest. I stayed up into the wee hours reading your blog and looking at Katie’s photos. It’s a joy to know that the two of you have met and have a rapport.

    1. Julie, thank you very much for letting me know you’ve discovered Katie and are enjoying reading the posts on hers and my blog. Thank you also for reminding me that I should include Katie’s videos here in this post. I have now done so.

      I think you’re absolutley right… Katie and I have come to some of the same conclusions because of our expereinces, though she is much wiser than I am. I like that description you gave her and of course I like it that I’m included in that. :)

      I hope you will come back and see me again here on my blog. And don’t forget that Katie keeps posting also… on her two blogs, and on her Facebook. 

      Thank you again for dropping by.


  2. Hi, Saloma! I am absolutely thrilled you got to meet Katie! I enjoy her pictures and stories so much – met her online about the same time I met you and must say the two of you definitely compliment each other :-) Safe travels; bring some “real” warmth home with you – we need ‘real’ spring; not the teasers we’ve been getting.

    1. Hi Peggy! It’s so great to hear from you! It was such a pleasure to meet Katie, I cannot tell you. 

      I’ll do my best to bring back warmth… no promises, though. I noticed over the weekend, there was a hazardous weather outlook at “home.” It makes me appreciate the warmth where I am at the moment… we’re in Savannah, Georgia right now. 

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting.


      1. Hello Shirley! It is my pleasure to introduce you to Katie. I think it will be great for you to meet her next January. 

        Do you know that it feels like eons since we were at your home, though it was less than two weeks ago? I lose perspective when I’m on the road. I’ve actually gotten some color in my face since then, too.

        I look forward to that new life back home. We’ve seen lots, but it will be nice to be in a home that doesn’t move when I get back…

        Thanks for your comments. I look forward to being back in touch when I return home.


  3. Saloma,

    Thank you so much for introducing me to Katie Yoder. I love her voice on the page, in pictures, and in the video.

    I will be going to find her online. And, since I will be in Sarasota next January to speak at Bahia Vista Mennonite Church, I hope to meet Katie in person also.

    Your trip seems to be going beautifully. Enjoy many beautiful sunsets. When you get home, even New England will be filled with new life!

  4. Saloma,
    I hope that you and David had a productive and refreshing trip to Florida. The one thing I have learned from my trips to Hawaii is to never saw goodbye, but “A Hui Hou”, until we meet again.

    Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. Hello Tom,

      Thank you for stopping by, and for that thought. I like “until we meet again.” That is how I felt when I got to spend time with Katie the other day. 

      Thank you for your good wishes for our travels. We’ve definitely had a good trip so far… new sights and expereinces. I’ll be writing more about them upon my return.

      Wishing you a many great journeys.

  5. It is completely unsurprising to hear that you find Katie to be a kindred spirit. I would think the two of you would have much to say to one another, and a deeper understanding of some shared experiences. What a beautiful post. I am so thrilled that you finally got to meet your friend.

    1. Hello Monica,

      Thank you for your comments. Yes, Katie and I did have a lot to say to one another. I look forward to the next time we meet. And I cannot wait until you and I finally get to meet!

      Have a great week!


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