Liberating Lomie: Memoir of an Amish Childhood

Book Launch and First Blog Review of Liberating Lomie

In her third memoir, Liberating Lomie, Furlong revisits her childhood memories from the vantage of a mother-daughter relationship. And that bond, like Amish culture, is complicated. ~Sabrina R Völz, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany Today is launch day for Liberating Lomie: Memoir of an Amish Childhood. It has finally arrived! I picked up the books from the local printer today, which

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Liberating Lomie for Sale and Interview with BBC Radio 4

When we think of a community with fewer modern technologies, our minds usually go directly to the Amish. By eschewing many modern technologies, do the Amish also avoid the unintended consequences of the technologies most in the mainstream adopt without question? This question is explored on a program called Digital Human on BBC Radio 4 in Scotland some days ago.

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