Snapshots 16: The Day I Lived a Beautiful Dream

is day I will marry my best friend, the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love ~ Author Unknown~

I know exactly which day I felt most like going and shouting my joy from the mountaintop. It all happened under Mt. Mansfield in Burlington, Vermont, on May 29, 1982, when the lilacs and lilies-of-the-valley were blooming that David and I made a commitment to share our life journeys with one another. It was one of the days of my life when joy knew no bounds. Here is a synopsis of that day in snapshots, descriptions, and quotes. 



David's last breakfast as a single man: On his right is his sister, Bernadette, and his brother Dan on his left



So Handsome! Beauty and Love are one



A corsage for the mother of the groom. I wonder what my mother was feeling on this day — she was 600 miles away



 Once in awhile,
Right in the middle of an ordinary life,
Love gives us a fairy tale.
~ Anonymous ~


I remember our little group of guests fondly. No one could make up for my family not being there, but thank goodness our friends and David's family were there for us on our joyful day.


The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in.
~ Anonymous ~


Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose

beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity.

~ Kahlil Gibran ~


We were received into the arms of David's family, our friends, and our church community, starting with David's parents

There was much happiness to go around

And there was a bounty of food



We had a potluck reception and two women from the church, Bobbie Conquest and Barbara Dunnington, managed the affair.


Jodi McQuillen, now a medical doctor, was the baby at the wedding



Bill Cleary, Master of Ceremonies, proposes a toast


I like her because she smiles at me and means it. 
~ Anonymous ~

Cutting the cake


Going outside for photos



I love this photo of Ruth, David's mother. She was such a loving woman.



From left to right: Mary Francis O'Neal (my maid of honor),David's Brothers, Daniel and Bob, his father,  his ister Bernedette and her husband Maurice (he was the photographer, usually behind the camera). In front is David's mother, his sister Claire and her husband, John.

With Reverand Bill Hollister



Catching the bouquet


Lining up for the garter

One of the things that always puts a smile on my face when I see these outdoor photos is the yellow Datsun pickup in the background. David used just such a vehicle to bring me to Vermont when I left the second time. The chuckle is that this was not David's pickup.




Judging by that radiant smile, I would say that this was a happy day for David, too.


A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it's you and me together forever and never apart ~
maybe in distance, but never in heart.

~ Author Unknown ~


A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes superfluous.
~ Ingrid Bergmen ~

Looking back, I would do it again in a heartbeat, even knowing that we would go through some trying times together – the economic difficulties, the differences in our parenting styles, our misunderstandings. Thank goodness we had a foundation of understanding for one another that sustained us through it all. And now, thirty years into this marriage, as we enter our "third age," I know that this is as good as it gets. I give thanks for every night that we dream in the same space, and for every day that I awake with my Beloved. I know that someday this time will be remembered as fondly as we now remember our wedding day.

You don't marry someone you can live with ~ you marry the person who you cannot live without.
~ Author Unknown ~

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14 thoughts on “Snapshots 16: The Day I Lived a Beautiful Dream”

  1. … and Happy Anniversary! May God continue to bless you. The Bible says our treasure is in heaven, but I think you and I have some pretty good gems here on earth!

  2. Sharon, Farmwife, and Peggy, thank you for enjoying the post. I spent all day yesterday digitizing and organizing my wedding photos and creating this post. On the one hand it doesn’t feel like much, but it was very satisfying.

    Have a wonderful week. Staying cool is the challenge here in the Pioneer Valley.


  3. Congrats on your anniversary! It takes commitment, for sure. Our anniversary of 40 years is in July: LT says it doesn’t seem like forty years, more like 40 seconds (then he adds, “under water.”) Funny, funny man that he is (snort).

    Seriously, though, this was a very sweet post, and thanks so much for sharing these sweet memories!

  4. Happy Anniversary my friend! After seeing those pictures it felt like we were there. Thanks for sharing them. You were a lovely couple on your special day. The best part was reading how you would do it all over again, even through the hard times. May the Lord bless you and David with another 30 years!

  5. Saloma,

    Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing!
    Just curious, though. While you knew you were ready to leave your Amish community, was it difficult to jump into the “English” ways and traditions? (Church wedding, white wedding dress, etc.)

    You seem so at ease in these photos, which only says you must have been very comfortable with your decision to leave your community for a new life. But how easy was it to move into this new world?

    Congratulations, and Happy Anniversary!!

  6. Terri, Deb, Johanna, Katie, and Monica — thank you! I appreciate all your good wishes and congratulations.

    Sprouting Acorn, that is a very good question, and one that deserves a thoughtful and thorough answer. I will post that answer in the next few days.

    Thanks, all and enjoy your weekend!


  7. I’m late, but still wish you heartfelt happiness upon reaching another anniversary. May you have continued years of marital happiness.

    Thank you for sharing your wedding and reception pictures. I see you had a potluck reception. In the day of outrageous receptions my hubby and I did a potluck reception in the church basement and 30 years later we still hear from people that thought it was the best reception they have ever attended. I’m sure you have fond memories of your day!

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