The Crocuses are Blooming at the Bridgeside Retreat

Last autumn I planted several dozen white and purple crocus bulbs next to the walkway and around the mailbox. When other crocuses in the area started blooming, along with our daffodils and the irises were growing, I thought the crocuses were not going to bloom. Then last week they started poking through the ground and now they are fully blooming.

How I love crocuses! And yet I’ve never actually planted any before. So I’m enjoying this treat that Spring brought with her fresh breezes, showers, and sunshine.


Today it is a month since my Fulbright hopes were dashed, so it is a fitting day to announce my new endeavor. David and I decided to open our guest bedroom to Air BnB guests. We’ve named it “Bridgeside Retreat.” Guests can sign up through Air BnB.

I am making a special offer to my blog readers. If you, or anyone you know, mentions that you heard about Bridgeside Retreat through my blog, you will receive a free signed copy of Bonnet Strings upon your arrival as our guest.

Please help us spread the word, and Happy Spring!

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22 thoughts on “The Crocuses are Blooming at the Bridgeside Retreat”

  1. Congratulations on this decision. And good luck with everything. Your guests will be in for a real treat, that much I know for sure! And you’ll be in for some great adventures!

    1. Thanks, Joan, for your good wishes. I would love to host you as my guest. Perhaps I should get a group of women to come for a weekend retreat. We are almost done with our attic space, so we’ll have a lot more space to put people up. Let’s think about that!

  2. Saloma, you never cease to amaze me!! Nothing keeps you down. This is so cool. I’m so excited for you and David. I will spread the word! You will be such a blessing to so many. I also hope to be a guest some day.

  3. Checked you out on Air BnB. Great pictures, I love your home. It seems so, I don’t know, peaceful!! It encourages me to keep de cluttering and I have a long way to go. You would go crazy in my house!!Ha!!
    I liked your life motto from Thoreau. Its one of my favorites. The first time I read it was back in the late 1990’s when I purchased a book about Tasha Tudor, it was one of hers also. Best of luck to you and David on this new adventure!!

    1. Thank you, Pamela, for checking it out. You may be like my cousin, Emma. When she visited, she said she really liked how sparse my home is, but she said it “just doesn’t feel like home.” When I visited her, I could see why. She loves old things, and she is quite a collector. I must admit, her place was a pleasure to visit.

      I definitely don’t care for clutter in my home, and I don’t like shopping. Hence the austere look in my home.

  4. You know what they say, less is more!! there is a quiet peacefulness about less stuff that I am striving for. I do like antiques and old things but I’m not big on shopping, especially clothes shopping. Malls are the worst!!! I’m much happier at a farmers market or an Amish bulk store or even a little family owned antique store. May this day the Lord has made be a peaceful one for you.

    1. And you too, Pamela… here in the Pioneer Valley, it is a gorgeous day the Lord has made… the sun shines, the birds are singing sweetly, and the spring breezes are drying my sheets. I am rejoicing and glad in it!

  5. The crocuses are one of my favorite flowers! Spring comes so early hear and with such great gusto I don’t notice them as much as I did when I lived in the north. Thank you for the reminder. I am going to plants some!

    1. I will upon request! With fresh fruit, coffee and tea…

      I have a new bread machine, so I am making all kinds of new breads, including crusty sourdough, which I had never done before. I wonder who will be our first guests?

  6. What an excellent idea! I wonder who you will meet? Yet one more time I can say for sure, you, a people person, are just the right person to do it.

    1. Thank you, Monica. I am very excited about the idea. And even more excited that we have our first guests staying here on May 6. A student from the University of Massachusetts arranged for her parents to stay here. It will be fun to host our first guests.

      Happy Spring to you… Summer is just around the corner!

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