Giveaway of a Copy of “Why I Left the Amish”

Would you like to win an autographed copy of my memoir, Why I Left the Amish, complete with an eco-friendly fabric gift bag? If so, please link to my blog from your website, blog, Facebook, or Twitter, then come back and let me know how I can find the link. For every link I find, I will enter your name into a drawing for a free autographed copy of my memoir.

Another way you can get your name into the drawing is to leave a comment and tell me about an author talk you enjoyed: Who was it? What did you like about it? Where did it take place?

I will announce the winner on Sunday, February 27, 2011.

Also, Mary Ann is doing a giveaway of the book on A Joyful Chaos (drawing on Monday, February 21.)

I am offering a second drawing for the possibility of receiving a gift of a different nature — please see the next posting.

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18 thoughts on “Giveaway of a Copy of “Why I Left the Amish””

  1. I would love to get an autographed copy of your book! I have a link of your blog on the right-hand side of my blog under “Some Other Blogs I Read” :)

  2. Thank you, all for your links and your comments. Hope Ann, I don’t do Facebook… there are so many ways to slice and dice my time, and that is not one of the ways I choose to spend it. Thank you for the invitation, though.

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.


  3. Wow…I would very much love to read this book. I always have been interested in the Amish, and have a warm spot in my heart for them, but I can see how it would be a life not without special challenges. Thanks for this. I’ll look into it regardless. joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net

  4. Hi, Saloma,

    A few years ago, I met Elsie Neufeld, the editor and one of the 17 contributing authors of
    “Half in the Sun: An Anthology of Mennonite Writing.” She and some of the other authors did some readings from the book at a small public library in my home area in BC.

    I enjoy learning about Mennonite history and culture in general, as I come from Mennonite roots myself. I also enjoy learning about the other groups of that branched off from the original groups.

    I would love to have a copy of your book. However, I don’t have a blog, and I don’t use Facebook or Twitter. So I have no place to put a link to your blog.

    You can contact me by email at spanish_teacher at ymail dot com.


  5. Hi Saloma, I found you by way of A Joyful Chaos. Your blog looks very interesting and I have become a follower. I would very much like to read your book. I have linked to your blog in my most recent blog post, and have become a follower.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  6. I too just shared your site on facebook. I’d treasure a copy of your book! Please add my name to the drawing….~~marilyn

  7. I will share your link on Facebook and also paste your link on my sidebar. Since owning a greenhouse operation, I made friends with many Amish and Mennonite women, and I’m proud to say that they’re my friends. They have many of the same struggles we all face, some parts of their lives are definitely harder, some easier. I would love to read your book and learn about your struggles.

    Eileen in Upstate NY ~ Seneca Stitches

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