Meeting a Kindred Spirit

On our way to Ohio recently, I had the privilege of meeting one of my dear blog friends, Pamela Lakits. I am truly grateful that so many of you read and comment on my blog posts. I often have a longing to sit and chat with each of you, though I have met only a few of you. It was a thrill to meet Pamela and discover she is just as warm, insightful, and down to earth as the comments she posts. Her home is in a Pittsburgh suburb, and it is decorated in all the country fashions I adore. There is a set of outdoor steps up into her home, and on the landing she has straw bales, mums, pumpkins, and squash that gives the feeling of a plentiful harvest. I wish I had thought of taking a photo of it.

There stood Pamela in her doorway with a welcoming smile for David and me as we climbed the steps. Her husband, Paul, was right behind her. We stepped inside the door onto one of the crocheted rugs she had purchased from me.  It warmed my heart to see how well it fit into her home.

Being greeted by Pamela in her welcoming home was like meeting an Amish sister I never knew about. Though she did not grow up Amish, I think her ways are as Amish as my own. She subscribes to the Amish weekly newspaper, The Budget. Decorations in her home are mostly antiques. Like the Amish, they are reminiscent of another time. She cans a lot more than I do. Below are photos she sent me recently of her handiwork, canning tomatoes and applesauce.

Photo by Pamela Lakits


Photo by Pamela Lakits

These activities fit right in with what I’m doing. Below are photos of my some of my homespun arts. The rugs are some of my latest creations.

Photo by Saloma Furlong


Photo by Saloma Furlong


The rolls are for Kids’ Club at church.

Photo by Saloma Furlong

If Pamela and I lived in the same area, I can imagine getting together with her to do projects — Amish style. Yet we discovered one another through an avenue (the internet) that would not be open to Amish women… at least not of our generation.

David and I were invited to sit in their warm and cozy family room. Pamela and I kept looking at one another, hardly able to believe we were finally meeting in person. We visited for a while in their family room. We discovered Paul’s sense of humor, which fit nicely with David’s. Then it was time for David and me to head off to our next destination. But before we left, David and Paul took photos of Pamela and me.

Pamela Lakits and myself

I hope this is not our last visit, Pamela. We barely scratched the surface. It was so wonderful to finally meet you… you are truly a kindred spirit.

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9 thoughts on “Meeting a Kindred Spirit”

  1. The place where I live started out as a coal mining town. Homes like ours (ours will be a hundred years old next year) were built on hill sides with miners working hundred’s of feet below. Trains still run every day across the street. Because of the hill we have long steps. Steps that I ran up and down as a young wife and mother in my twenties, but are now becoming longer and harder to climb the older I get! I was glad for those steps the day Saloma and David paid us a visit. I needed that time to remind myself this visit was for real. Saloma first came into my life through watching the American Experience documentaries “The Amish” and “The Amish Shunned”. From there to her wonderful blog. Saloma, you have the kindest spirit that God has ever put in my life. Your smile lights up a room and your voice could calm a troubled soul. I hope that there will be many more times to sit and talk and get to know each other better. Thank you for all your kind words.

    1. Pamela, thank you for your kind words. All those compliments are true of you, too.

      Wow, that is quite something that the houses were built over the hills where they were mining coal. I didn’t know they did that.

      I can imagine that the steps get steeper with age. None of us are getting younger, you know (and I say thank goodness!)

      Like you, I hope we can continue our conversation before too long.

  2. Hi Saloma, This is a wonderful story what a blessing. I bet you have a lot of friends you have not yet met.

    I just read your comment to me on the blog you did last month about your trip to Maine. I love Maine and we camped for many summers in the Freeport/Bath area. Our children went to a camp our church denomination rented for a week at the end of the camp’s season that is close to Bath. My Chemistry teacher at Spaulding High School in Barre bought that camp when I was a senior. Small world.

    It would have been fun if we could have met up in Vermont when we were both there. Hopefully we can in a future year. We usually go the first or second week in October to Georgia and sometimes go to Barre while up there. I think it is cool how your son lives in the city our son grew up in and our son lives close to where you lived (Georgia). In many ways I do miss Vermont — it is where I grew up. We usually make a day trip to Smuggler’s Notch but this year we could only drive because we could not find a parking space. We went up one side and down the other 3 times and finally gave up and went to the Von Trapp lodge instead to have a picnic.

    I am still waiting for your next book but will enjoy your wonderful writing in your blogs in the meantime. I am sure I am not alone in my opinion that your blog seems like a personal letter.
    Love, Michele

    1. Michele, I am always amazed at how many parallels there are in your life and mine.

      That is amazing that you couldn’t find a parking spot in Smugglers Notch. When we lived in Fairfax all those years ago, we went there quite often. Do you remember when that huge boulder came tumbling down the mountain and lodged itself in trees, suspended just above the road? That thing was bigger than a house. One could see the path it “cleared” on its way down the mountain. Nature can be amazing.

      Thank you for looking forward to my next book. I will give an update on the book process at some later date. I am trying to find a publishing avenue. When I do, I’ll be letting you all know.

      Thank you for your kind words about my blog. It is grateful readers like you who keep me posting.

      Have a wonderful week.

      1. No I do not remember hearing about that tumbling boulder. Do you know the year that happened? I am surprised I do not remember as Barre is not that far from the Notch. I tried to look it up but could not find anything on google. This is the first year we could not find a place to park. Maybe it was because we went on Saturday – the only day it didn’t rain when we were there. Every other year we went on a week day. I want to look for the path that boulder left when we go next year. Our grandchildren were so disappointed not to be able to climb on the boulders.

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